1. ls: list files and directories
2. cd: change directory
3. mkdir: make a new directory
4. pwd: print current working directory
5. cp: copy files and directories
6. mv: move or rename files and directories
7. rm: delete files and directories
8. rmdir: delete empty directories
9. touch: create new files
10. chmod: change file permissions
11. chown: change file ownership
12. grep: search for text patterns
13. find: find files and directories
14. head: print the first few lines of a file
15. tail: print the last few lines of a file
16. sort: sort lines of text files
17. uniq: remove duplicate lines from a sorted file
18. wc: print the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file
19. cut: extract columns of text from a file
20. paste: merge lines of text
21. diff: compare files line by line
22. cmp: compare files byte by byte
23. comm: compare sorted files line by line
24. join: join lines of two files on a common field
25. tr: translate or delete characters