Hackers are not always bad. In fact, there are many good hackers out there who use their skills to help people.


Most people think of hackers as criminals who steal information or wreak havoc on computer systems. But there are also many ethical hackers who use their hacking skills for good.


Ethical hackers are also known as white hat hackers. They use their hacking skills to find security vulnerabilities in systems and help businesses and organizations fix those security issues.


Many ethical hackers are also security researchers who help companies create better security systems. They also help raise awareness about security issues and educate people about how to protect themselves from cyber threats.


There are even some ethical hackers who work for law enforcement agencies and help them track down criminals.


So, the next time you think of a hacker, don’t automatically assume that they’re a bad person. There are many good hackers out there who are using their skills to help people.