Here are some of the most important commands that are used in emacs.

Starting, Exiting, Reading and Writing Files in emacs

Command Description
emacs myfile Start emacs and edit myfile
Ctl-x i Insert prompted for file at current position
Ctl-x s Write out the file keeping current name
Ctl-x Ctl-w Write out the file giving a new name when prompted
Ctl-x Ctl-s Write out all files currently being worked on and exit
Ctl-x Ctl-c Exit after being prompted if there any unwritten modified files


Changing Position in emacs

Command Description
arrow keys Use the arrow keys for up, down, left and right; or:
Ctl-n One line down
Ctl-p One line up
Ctl-f One character left
Ctl-b One character right
Ctl-a Move to beginning of line
Ctl-e Move to end of line
M-f Move to beginning of next word
M-b Move back to beginning of preceding word
M-< Move to beginning of file
M-x goto-line n Move to line n
M-> Move to end of file
Ctl-v or PageDown Move forward one page
M-v or PageUp Move backward one page
Ctl-l Refresh and center screen


Searching for Text in emacs

Command Description
Ctl-s Search forward for prompted for pattern, or for next pattern
Ctl-r Search backwards for prompted for pattern, or for next pattern


Changing, Adding and Deleting Text in emacs

Command Description
Ctl-o Insert a blank line
Ctl-d Delete character at current position
Ctl-k Delete the rest of the current line
Ctl-_ or Ctl-x u Undo the previous operation
Ctl-space Mark the beginning of the selected region; the end will be at the cursor position
Ctl-w Yank (cut) the current marked region and put it in buffer
Ctl-y Paste at the current position the yanked line or lines from the buffer